Peter Young Promoted to Director, Dealer Network Development

Logan Township, N.J. — Mitsubishi Fuso Truck of America, Inc. (FUSO) has promoted Peter Young to Director, Dealer Network Development after serving in sales operations. In his new role, Young will focus on the development of the FUSO dealership network for the United States and Canada.
Brian Shantz, who manages the Canadian operations for FUSO also had the responsibilities of leading the network development and operations group. Under his leadership, Shantz was instrumental in launching a new key performance indicator (KPI) dashboard for dealerships. Recently, Shantz expanded the FUSO footprint in the Atlanta-metro area with the addition of a second Peach State Truck Center location, a major market for FUSO trucks.
"We have been very pleased with Brian Shantz's leadership and contributions in both roles," said Justin Palmer, President and CEO of Mitsubishi Fuso Truck of America, Inc. "However, our goal is to grow market share of our products, especially as we introduce the new FUSO FE GAS work truck to North America. Therefore, we must have a dedicated leader and team devoted to support our ever important dealership network."
Young will be accountable for the dealerships' success in key markets, and he, along with his team, are responsible for further developing the performance of the dealership to ensure value for the franchise. Part of Young's ultimate plan is to continue to grow the resources of the Network Development team to ensure overall success for the FUSO brand.
The role of network development is not new for Young, as he worked as the Assistant Manager of Network Strategy and Development at FUSO's world headquarters in Japan. There he supported more than 2,000 dealerships and 115 distributors representing FUSO in over 170 markets. Young joined the North America operations in 2018 as Sales Operations Manager, allowing him to gain a greater understanding of the local medium-duty truck market and dealership footprint. His office will remain in Logan Township, New Jersey.
À propos de Mitsubishi Fuso
Ayant son siège social dans le comté de Logan au New Jersey, Mitsubishi Fuso Truck of America, Inc. (MFTA) est une filiale de Mitsubishi Fuso Truck of America, basée à Kawasaki, Japon, une partie intégrante de la division des camions Daimler de Daimler AG. En activité en Amérique du Nord depuis plus de 30 ans, MFTA se concentre sur la fabrication de camions offrant le coût total de possession le plus bas de leur catégorie. Ses camions diesel poids moyen et à cabine surélevée de classes 3 à 5 sont offerts par l’intermédiaire d’un réseau de plus de 200 concessionnaires partout aux États-Unis, au Canada, à Puerto Rico et à Guam. Mitsubishi Fuso a vendu plus de 100 000 camions à transmission manuelle, à quatre roues motrices et à cabine d’équipe en Amérique du Nord pour combler les besoins de transport pour une grande variété d’entreprises et d’industries, dont l’industrie des boissons et des traiteurs, pour la livraison de marchandises réfrigérées ou solides, pour la récupération de véhicules, le remorquage, la lutte antiparasitaire, la plomberie, la construction légère et l’aménagement paysager. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, visitez le, suivez FusoTruck sur Twitter, ou aimez FusoTruck sur Facebook.
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For more information:
Bryan C. Allen
Marketing Manager
Mitsubishi Fuso Truck of America, Inc.